Friendly Daisen
The Hitchhiker's Guide: Hitchhiking around Mt. Daisen

The best way to get around Mt. Daisen is definitely by a car. We recommend that you rent a car at the nearest car rental agents from the airport and station. If you are unable to rent a car for some reason, you can use public transportation, but there is also a possibility of hitchhiking. Please note that there is very little tradition of hitchhiking in Japan. The reason we mention about the possibility of hitchhiking here, though, is that hitchhiking is obviously one of the useful ways to get around rural areas of Mt. Daisen, where the frequency of trains and buses is quite low. Daiseners are very friendly. If you know how to be picked up, you will enjoy a wonderful meeting!
Rent a car at Yonago Airport/Yonago Station
- There are several rent-a-car agents operating at Yonago Airport and Yonago Station.
- *At Yonago Airport, the car rental desk is located for your convenience in the arrivals hall.
- *At Yonago Station, there are several car rental agents located near Yonago Station.

View Rent-A-Car in a larger map
Useful links when you drive in Japan
Followed are sites where you can find helpful information on driving in Japan.
- Renting a car -
- Japan Autmobile Federation
How to hike

"Sumimasen, ....... made nosete moraemasuka?" ( Excuse me, could you take me to ........? )
"Arigatou Gozaimasu" ( Thank you. )
"Wakari mashita" (I understand.)
Please check "Road Map with essential phrases and conversations" for more basic Japanese communication.
- *Please consider about your return journey before getting dropped off at your destination. Please be reminded that you are in the mountain.
- *Even though Japan is a safe country, please hitchhike at your own risk. We do not take any responsibility for any trouble and accident that could occur from hitchhiking.