Tottori Burger Festa
The Tottori Burger Festa started in September 2009, and this year marks
its 3rd year. There will be forty burgers on sale from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south over two days of the festival. The festival attracted approximately 20,000 visitors in
2009 and 65,000 visitors in 2010. The festival has been evolving, as the
number of visitors increased each year.
The open-air festival will be held at Bakurouza Parking (JΐΤκ) in the western Tottori. It has been offering the great opportunity to enjoy the intimacy with the nature and local community.

The open-air festival will be held at Bakurouza Parking (JΐΤκ) in the western Tottori. It has been offering the great opportunity to enjoy the intimacy with the nature and local community.

The event aims to build more locally based, self-reliant food economies, including food production, processing, distribution and consumption. We want to enhance the sustanable environmental health through the awareness for local food not only in Tottori but all over Japan...and the world!
About Burgers

There will be forty burgers on sale from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south over two days of the festival. Ten burgers out of the forty will be from Tottori prefecture. The burgers on sale have to go through a screening.
1. Local products should be used for the burger.
2. The shop should be connected to the local community. It should not merely pursue economic benefits.
3. The burger should be on sale at the shop at least for one year after the Tottori Burger Festa.
Sat. October 8th and Sun. 9th, 2011

Bakurouza parking serves not only the gate to Mt. Daisen climbing route, but also the main entrance to Daisenji Temple and Ogamiyama Shrine. It is next to Daisen Information Center. The parking is also the venue of Mt. Daisen Natsuyama Summer Festival. >>Access

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Tottori Burger Festa Executive Committee Office
1484-1 Kugo, Houki-cho, Saihaku-gin, Tottori 689-4105
Phone: 0859-68-3091
Fax: 0859-68-3911@
Contact person
Mr. Takashi Karaki (Japanese)
Ms. Naoko Morishita (English)