
Mukibanda remains provide evidence that the ancient civilization has flourished here in Sanin.">

Mukibanda Remains

Mukibanda Remains
Mukibanda Remains
Mukibanda Remains
Mukibanda Remains
Mukibanda Remains


Mukibanda Yayoi Archaeological Remains were discovered by accident when the site was under preliminary investigation for the construction of golf course from 1995 to 1998. The remains stretch for 156 hectares, which is five times larger than Yoshinogari Remains in Saga prefecture, which had been said to be the biggest remains of Yayoi period in Japan at that time. (*Yoshinogari Remains stretched for 32 hectares at that time. As investigations have proceeded, it turns out to be as twice as large.)

Mukibanda remains are on the hillside. You can see the panoramic view of the Japan Sea from the remains. The remains are thought to be the center of ancient Izumo Kingdom flourished in the late Yayoi period. 420 pit houses, other 500 shacks and 34 ancient tombs are discovered at present (2010).

Address 1115-4, Muki, Daisen-cho, Saihaku-gun, Tottori
Phone 0859-37-4000 (Only Japanese speakers are available.)
Open 9:00-17:00 (9:00-19:00 in July and August)
Closed The fourth Monday, year-end and new-year
Fee Free
Station Yonago Station
Access 5min. Drive from Yodoe Interchange Exit of Sanin Expressway, 20min. drive from Yonago Interchange of Yonago Expressway, 50min. drive from Yonago Airport, 5min. by Taxi from JR Yodoe Station

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